Complete Story


Lindsey Mills

Cincinnati District President

Lindsey Mills is an Associate Professor and Didactic Program in Dietetics Program Director in the College of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Cincinnati. She is President of the Greater Cincinnati Dietetic Association and previously served as Secretary. She earned her B.S. in Human Nutrition and M.S. in Hospitality and Dietetics Administration from the University of Kentucky and earned a Ph.D. in Educational Studies from the University of Cincinnati. Lindsey serves as Faculty Advisory for the Student Dietetic Association and serves on many committees in leadership roles at the program, department, college, and university levels. In addition, she serves on the Ohio Department of Higher Education Dietetics TAG Panel. Lindsey primarily teaches foodservice management and hands-on cooking laboratory courses. In 2020, Lindsey was awarded the College of Allied Health Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award. In 2021, she was inducted into the University of Cincinnati Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning. In 2022, she was awarded the College of Allied Health Sciences Innovative Use of Technology Award. She has presented at university and national teaching conferences on the use of HyFlex course design to provide flexible learning opportunities and increase accessibility for students in hands-on laboratory courses.


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